I shaved very carefully and then started dressing. For my rebirth I chose grey panti hose, frilly panties, a thrusting bra, a soft half slip, a red skirt and a white top.

My make-up completed, I slipped my feet into my black wedgies, fastened a red scarf around my neck and breathed my first untroubled breath in weeks.

I got more work done that day than I had since I had taken the new position. I felt alive again.

I did that many days, but one Friday I was so caught up in my femme self that instead of changing I slipped on an apron and began to get dinner.

When my GG drove in from work Nancy met her like a mother hen fussing over her chicks. Wonder of wonders my bride loved it, she thought it was fun, and Nancy, after she had cleaned up after dinner, spent the evening with her sister, her new sister.

Next morning, Nancy got up early, dressed casually in a brown skirt and white blouse, and got breakfast for both of them. Later she made the bed and cleaned up while the GG in the house read the paper and drank coffee.

After an afternoon of being her brother, Nancy came back that evening and spent a few hours making girl talk with her sister. They both loved it.

Since then, everything is copasetic. I wear panties and panti hose all the time under my other clothes, and after rinsing them in the bathroom, hang them there with hers to dry. We can tell them apart because mine are longer than hers.

Whenever I feel myself getting "down," Nancy comes and spends some time-lately it has been every day. Sometimes it is my wife who suggests that Nancy spend the evening. She can tell when I need to be feminine. Nancy always helps with the household chores. She is a regular part of the household, no longer a surprise.

Every once in a while my wife will say, "You're crazy!”, but most of the time she seems to enjoy another girl around the house. She has